MicroVascular Therapy (MVT)

MicroVascular Therapy (MVT)
April 12, 2015

A Breakthrough in the Treatment of Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a condition of nerve impairment, sometimes caused by illnesses such as Diabetes. It is characterized by pain, tingling, burning or numbness in the feet or hands. Balance and motion may also be impaired. Over time, this may result in the loss of a limb- and in the meantime, the quality of life suffers.

MicroVascular Therapy (MVT) is a new mode of physical medicine that addresses the problem uniquely. It is a noninvasive and pain free treatment. More than 85% of MVT patients have experienced improved sensation and reduced pain and half of these patients have experienced full restoration.

How it Works
microVas treatments use strategically placed electrode pads in diametrical pairs so that a comfortable, deep-penetrating waveform may pass entirely through the limb or other body area. Up to eight pairs of pads may be used in tandem to create an extended pumping action, which will improve circulation and further promote the healing process.

Technically speaking, micriVas uses ionic impulses to increase blood flow and induce neuromuscular stimulation of the venous muscle pump to increase the metabolic process. This also causes the oxygen level in the blood to rise. As a result, new blood vessels begin to grow (a process called angiogenesis) As well as new nerve tissue (called neurogenesis) so that actual, physical restoration will follow. Testing suggests this progress is cumulative with repeated treatments and the result to date have been long lasting.

If you find that you have several of the following symptoms, you may have peripheral neuropathy and may benefit from microVas treatments:

Frequent burning, tingling or brief, sharp, stabbing pains in your legs and feet.
Your balance has deteriorated-you’re more clumsy and fall on occasion.
Your sleep is disturbed by painful sensations in your feet.
Your toes and feet feel numb to some degree
You feel like you’re walking on gravel when bare-footed
You have an ulcer on your foot or leg that is difficult to heal
You need medicine to help you sleep because of your feet
Your feet swell and turn somewhat purple when you stand
Your quality of life has deteriorated because of your foot problems
Not only is microVas more effective that traditional methods, it is far more cost effective. It is also covered by Medicare and most other insurance providers. Treatments last 45 minutes and are usually scheduled 3 times weekly; the typical treatment cycle is 30-90 days.

Posted in Services by Micah